Monday, 28 May 2012

A few firsts.

I thought I would report a few personal firsts. Some to be proud of, some not. And probably none of which I should be experiencing at this near-critical point of my PhD.

So, in no particular order....

1. My first polytunnel is nearly erected. Her name is Polly. There will be a Polly-party once we've covered her up a bit more and filled in her trench. And at some point I plan to write An Ode to Polly as she is quite beautiful and has been quite a big part of my life for a bit too long now.

2. I bought my first pair of high heel shoes (since I was 16). High heels don't look so good on when you have feet like a duck. I've got 6 days to learn how to walk in them.

3. I played the guitar (Twiga, to be precise) in my first ceilidh as a performer. It was complete chaos, but very fun. Quite refreshingly different to playing in an orchestra. And no one could hear when I was playing completely the wrong part of the tune. But I'm not sure if the sound man ever actually turned on my mic.

4. I helped organize my first hen do, for the first of my sisters to get married's wedding. I hope she had fun. There was surprisingly a lot of cake, and a lot of bottom. And a lot of creme eggs.

5. I bought my first box of 48 creme eggs (see above)(email if you need a reason). This will also be a last.

6. I saw the first Minstead Garden at the Chelsea Flower Show. It was more than magical, and awarded a GOLD.

7. Oh, and whilst tending to Polly I've had the opportunity to use power tools for the first time. Perhaps I will build my own house one day, as I also have developed a penchant for spirit-levels.

I think that's enough firsts for now.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Coconuts and cake.

In case any one is reading and has read and was wondering, the coconut method of searching for water WORKED! My friend and his family out in Bangalore city now have a constant water supply in their house after a man located an underground stream using a coconut. It's a wonderful and strange old world. On another note, I'm over Herman now, I think. I've spent quite a bit of time procrasti-stirring and procrastibaking him this week. Please no-one give him to me again. I can't say "no", especially to tasty man-cakes.