Monday, 28 May 2012

A few firsts.

I thought I would report a few personal firsts. Some to be proud of, some not. And probably none of which I should be experiencing at this near-critical point of my PhD.

So, in no particular order....

1. My first polytunnel is nearly erected. Her name is Polly. There will be a Polly-party once we've covered her up a bit more and filled in her trench. And at some point I plan to write An Ode to Polly as she is quite beautiful and has been quite a big part of my life for a bit too long now.

2. I bought my first pair of high heel shoes (since I was 16). High heels don't look so good on when you have feet like a duck. I've got 6 days to learn how to walk in them.

3. I played the guitar (Twiga, to be precise) in my first ceilidh as a performer. It was complete chaos, but very fun. Quite refreshingly different to playing in an orchestra. And no one could hear when I was playing completely the wrong part of the tune. But I'm not sure if the sound man ever actually turned on my mic.

4. I helped organize my first hen do, for the first of my sisters to get married's wedding. I hope she had fun. There was surprisingly a lot of cake, and a lot of bottom. And a lot of creme eggs.

5. I bought my first box of 48 creme eggs (see above)(email if you need a reason). This will also be a last.

6. I saw the first Minstead Garden at the Chelsea Flower Show. It was more than magical, and awarded a GOLD.

7. Oh, and whilst tending to Polly I've had the opportunity to use power tools for the first time. Perhaps I will build my own house one day, as I also have developed a penchant for spirit-levels.

I think that's enough firsts for now.


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