Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Presents three.

I received three wonderful gifts yesterday.

At midnight, I unexpectedly had a knock on my bedroom door (the supposedly scorpion-free bedroom) and in came my friends with the best birthday non-cake I've ever had.
A delicious Indian watermelon, laced with vodka, with my name etched in and a candle burning on top. It was very special and extremely delicious, and much healthier than double chocolate chocolate cake.

Secondly, a plate of fresh flowers.
Although I love being given flowers (makes me feel very mature and appreciated), I'm quite against the principle of pumping larges amounts of resources into growing such a short-lived item with only an aesthetic value. There are lots of different arguments though, as with everything. But my friend's Daddy picked some heads off some invasive plants they have growing in their garden and arranged them on a little disposable plate (that they are keeping for multiple uses). My most ethically-pleasing gift of the day.

My most wonderfully random gift was two fresh carrots.
My, they were tasty. I have next to no idea who the person was who gave them to me, but I was stood at the edge of what seemed to be the public toilet spot, having just used it, at the start of a walk I went on yesterday, and this smiley man came walking up to me waving two shining "Carrots! Carrots! Wash....water." Strangely, I only realized how random it was when my friend came out of the bushes and asked where I got my carrots from. I think it was an omen. Thank you, Mr Smiley Carrot Man. I hope the good will comes back to you. I fed the green tops to a very happy cow, with a bell and decorated horns (see photo - apart from the decorated horns - must've been another one!).

And some other special people cooked special food and took me to special places. I'm a very grateful slightly older Lyd.


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