Sunday, 16 March 2014

40 days without marshmallows.

I've done 12 days so far, and no slips.  And no cake, or chocolate, or sweets....or even Frosties.  (Though I was force-fed half a scone last weekend.  And some custard may have been consumed under the auspices of conflict-resolution.)  This year, I've decided to observe Lent, using the "solemn religious observance" as an excuse to see what life without added sugar might be like for me.  I am partial to the odd chocolate injection into my coffee, and marshmallow nightcap, and suffer from a complete loss of self-control when I'm around cake....and seem to get an email every day telling me how bad sugar is for our health (e.g. news from Rodale) thought it would be good to see how I deal without sugary treats until Easter.  I haven't gone cold-Turkey - fruit and honey are still on the menu - OK in moderation, I thought.  And besides, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

So far, so good.  I think I'm feeling less tired....though that might be related to getting more sleep (part of my New Year's resolution that I've almost entirely failed at).  It makes my coffee shop counter faff a lot more efficient - I now only have to choose which coffee variety I want.  And I'm being inventive about desserts.  One I probably won't repeat is ricotta, out-of-date hazelnut butter and honey.  Still, 28 days of experimenting to go.