Thursday, 26 December 2013

What's in a name....change?

Since I've finished my PhD/DPhil (delete as appropriate) now, left the Oxford Bubble, moved to big London-town, and started a new job outside of the brain-buzzing walls of academia, I thought it time I changed the name of my blog.  More words on all of this as empty time allows and I feel the need to divulge.  But for now, I'd just like to thank Oxford for being a magical place.

Me, doing one of my favourite things, with one of my favourite people, in my favourite place in Bubbleland, during one of the most beautiful summers ever.  I'm a very lucky Doctor.

A dedication to Mandela.

The annual Cole family alternative Christmas cake (crafted by my own hand - the only thing that I'm still allowed to cook in my house) was this year sculpted as a dedication to the late, but ahead-of-his-time, Nelson Mandela....

R.I.P. True humble hero.

And the merriest of Christmases to all.