Saturday, 23 June 2012

R & R

I was going to have a little bit of a rant when I was going to write this....but I never managed to write it when I was going to, and somehow some things deserve less ranting, not that they neccessarily deserved ranting beforehand. I was just in not such a counting-my-lucky-stars mood. Does anyone know the original meaning behind "burning the candle at both ends", by the by? A recent topic of conversation.

Resolved rants then (in no particular order of trivialness)....

- my dishwasher has decided to work well enough (What, a dishwasher and you're still a student?! - Yes, I know I'm lucky, but I'd almost prefer not having one when it means washing dried caked-on food off the dishes you were expecting to come out sparkling)

- my housemate has had a particularly messy week, it seems....culminating in his brother and 6 other post-adolescent frustrated males joining us for the weekend - he told us on Thursday night - and he doesn't seem to know how to unload the dishwasher that just about cleans (see above) (but yes, he's funny at parties and quite receptive to my questioning the cleaning rota's functionality infront of him - a lucky star)

- where are all of the fish? (declining stocks? migrated for the summer/decade?)

I guess that's mostly it....perhaps I'm becoming irrationally irritable in my approach to PhD-menopause.

And some RAVES:

- my big beautiful sister is now married to my new big brother, and they are very happy

- I have a brother! (Robin Hood Prince of (handsome) Thieves moment)

- Polly is up, fully clothed and populated with tomatoes, peppers, sweet potatoes, aubergines, beetles, and all sorts of other special creatures. Polly-party pictures to come, and a dedication.

- if all goes well, we will harvest enough potatoes on our allotment to sell to MacDonalds to make into chips to sell to Olympic spectators as part of the healthy Olympic diet offered to everyone in the vicinity of the games, who won't have arrived by Boris Bike, of course
(may have misclassified that one under the Raves section)

- the Summer Solstice was celebrated, despite the rain - Brits are made of strong stuff and lard

- within some very few months I will have submitted this book of evaluated thoughts I'm working on, and then I can go to a proper RAVE (I think I remember writing about the importance of dance at some point)

Til then, many asantes for all of my on-going stars.