Monday, 30 May 2011

Cheers to Will and Kate.

I'm pretty much a pumpkin by now, but before I forget, today when I accidentally revisited a lovely little man (I really do feel like a giant here) whom I interviewed a year and a half a go - lives in a little village in a peat area, grows pineapples, has a dozen beautiful big-eyed grandchildren, laughs as much as he talks - he was chatting away to my translator about the Royal Wedding! I smiled.

Back to the Swamp!

So, last field trip for my PhD....hopefully....has to be. This time I don't have to dig up any mud though - just ask a lot of people questions about how they use it. I'm aiming to interview about 35 people in about 7 days, which is probably entirely un-doable, but I'll try! In between, my friend, Khoon-of-the-Jungle, is getting married, and there's a big festival, which means even fewer people will be in offices/sober than usual. Best get started! (I'm already quite hot and I'm in the air-conditioned airport. Gosh.)