Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Got to Guwahait.

We made it! One night in a luxury hotel in Vienna (after missing the connection - Austrian airlines were pretty good to us) and we're in hot Guwahati, the capital of Assam. Spent the day eating (authentic) curry it seems and sleeping and getting very hot. So far it's colourful, friendly, lots of little frogs, some mosquitoes, generally lots of biodiversity (obviously), clean squat toilets, lush vegetation and beautiful trees, yet to be identified, Bjorn doesn't smell too much (not more than me probably) and we've successfully bought Maan-shirts for the field. But of course, it's nothing like a holiday. We'll start work this evening....probably! It's a shame we don't know the language at all, but smiles and thank yous seem to be ok so far. We're meeting Shonil, our supervisor, tomorrow, and travel on to Kaziranga to get started on our field work. I'm looking forward to getting into the rural areas around Kaziranga National Park and getting into our project. So hopefully there'll be more adventures to report next time. I hope everyone else has had a good few days. Lots of love.

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Prepared, almost. Organised, never. 3 hours to go!

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Less than a week....

Yeap! Best start preparing.