Saturday, 11 May 2013

And in other news....

....There's been a conference in beautiful snowy Berlin, on tropical peatlands.  It was very exciting to have some many knowledgeable and enthusiastic peat crusaders in one room.  After a day of utter bewilderment, self-doubt and life-questioning that sometimes happens at these events, I am back on the muddy bandwagon and hope to be able to work with some of these great scientists and advocates in the future.

A wonderful long weekend walking in the wilderness of Wales with Daddy Cole.  Four special days of stunning vast views, interesting conversation, plenty of sleep, three course breakfasts, and bara brith ('spotty bread' in Welsh, as the slik and inspiring Mr Welfare of Wales explained to me).

 (spot the little people on the big ridge, or the normal-sized people far away (for those challenged with perceptive skills on par with Father Dougall's))

There have been many little lambs, looked after so carefully by their woolly Mummies and my less-woolly Mummy.  Not a small task after such a harrowing winter for farmers.

A very fun early rise for May Day morning in Oxford.  Bells, singing, Morris Men, almond croissants, drunken fools, pagan music and dancers who just kept on giving....and a tree man.  And all before 8am.

And the allotment is back in the game, as is Polly.  Let the weeding commence.
(And summer, if you're reading, this is your cue.)


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