Wednesday, 18 July 2012

To bee, or not.

I came across this, and thought I would post it on, in part to illustrate the plight of the bee. Here's just one reason why it's hard to be a bee right now. There are more. This is an interesting Postnote on Insect Pollination that gives a good summary (and that a friend wrote!).

Being bee.

I wonder if anyone knows
How I help to make grow
So much.
So much pollen I sow.

I know some do.
I know....I think
they all enjoy what comes from my work
and my flight and my brightness.
And I don't mean to sting.
Sometimes you can't win.

Oh to be, a bee
And not a fish.
But anon
I will carry on with this,
Flower to flower.

Some things you can't replace.
Just appreciate.



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