Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Afternoon tea

Today, over afternoon (sweet)tea, and sago biscuits (almost as good as scones), in the longhouse, I debated the future with two Iban men. Here are a few of the more memorable snippets from our long, cross-legged, slightly fly-bothered converse:
- the fruit in Sarawak is coming to an end because of climate change and the disappearance of flying foxes, which act(ed) as pollinators,
- "the next generation just care less",
- "money is a disease".

It wasn't the first time i've heard these things said on this trip. And they're pretty obvious facts out here. But probably also everywhere to some extent and under the same 'opportunities'. But as Sam-The-Great of Endiba says: "it'll all be alright in the end; if it's not alright, it's not the end". I presume this holds across different spatial and temporal scales? I guess we'll see. Challenging challenges for our generation.

Oh, and "start at school": education, education, education.


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